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bringing out the scientist in every child

Cool Websites for Science
Dr. Universe
Cool Science for Curious Kid
Inner Body
Science Explorer
Science Made Simple
Science Monster
Sea and Sky
Cool Math
Science kids
Energy Kids
New Science Standards
Next Generation Science Standards Now in Development
In a process managed by Achieve, 26 states are leading the development of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The science education community got a first glimpse of the NGSS draft when it was released during the first public comment period from May 11 through June 1. According to Achieve, the writers are now working to review all of the comments and develop a second draft to be released for public comment in the fall 2012. Achieve has removed the first draft from the web while it undergoes revision.
The Kid at Science STEM Specialists will become familiar with the NRC Framework—the foundation for the NGSS—to prepare for implementation of the standards when a final version is completed in 2013.
How to help
Your donation is greatly appreciated. Kids at Science Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3), organization with a mission to support schools and districts to develop and support hands-on science that directly effects students in K-6.
Volunteer in the class
Help students with science experiments or refurbish science materials to support hand-on science learning. Contact us and we can help you connect to the schools in need of support.
Science Advocacy
Many people are not aware that hands-on science learning is not fully funded by our federal or state funds. Many teachers are left on their own to raise funds in order to get adequate science materials to use in the classrooms. We need more science advocates to help fight for hands-on science learning for our children. Become a science advocate, volunteer to help at Science Community Nights.


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