bringing out the scientist in every child

Grade Level Specialists
STEM Specialists Cohorts 1-8

Our Specialists
Cohort 8
The Kids at Science Foundation has launched the 8th cohort of STEM Specialists for the Next Generation Program. K-5 teachers across Orange County are encouraged to apply for this unique opportunity to become key leaders and trainers in the area of STEM and NGSS.
Selected teachers will delve into the NGSS and California Science Framework to embed technology tools to our hands-on units that will promote inquiry-based learning rather than simply reading about science.
An honorarium of $3,000 will be awarded to selected teachers for their participation in this cohort from July 2023 - July 2024.
Selected teachers will meet monthly after school to develop and/or revise NGSS Units. The Kids at Science STEM Specialists will also participate in a 3-day professional development to facilitate hands-on, NGSS workshops.